Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Growing Old

i am a stargazer.
i map out the stars
put it into patterns, formations
stories, guides
bright beams and points of the sky
so that i'll never lose myself.

my eyes reflect the stars.
there's a brightness; twinkle
everyone seems to see.
as i stargaze i wonder
if people could see the map of the stars
reflected in my eyes.

but now i am an astronomer.
calculative, always at the telescope
ready, an eye for change.
the universe is ever-changing.
i feel lost, insignificant.

no one ever says anything about my eyes.
i tried looking for those stars i saw
through those eyes
in that lonely deserted field
with only candy corn and a blanket for company.
those days seem lost in the universe
as if change had come so rapidly.

i tried looking for that field again.
but i was too busy, caught up with work
to notice a new school
had taken its position
blocking my stars in an unfriendly way.

i slung my handbag around my shoulder,
and remembered the crackled comfort of my schoolbag.

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