Thursday, August 16, 2007

Silver Against Time

and here we are standing
at this place that we've known before
where the sands of time run through
memories linking our past in here

all of us are holding hands
silver outlined faintly against gold
a choir of angels sings quietly above
we just stand in remorse

laughing and crying
darkness and light
death and life
all found here

this place where the waters of time pass
but time stops here
no one has named this place
its just a quiet haven

our hands are still linked
the choir's voice has faded
the rushing of air takes its place
the sands of time is blown away
the waters of time frozen

and time stops for eternity
whats left is the silver
trapped against time

1 comment:

RoManTicCaT said...

go insert a tagboard ASAP ok.